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Effective Clasroom Management Practices

Kategori: Eğitim Yazar: Volkan Çiçek Yayınevi: Ideal Kültür Yayıncılık

Effective Clasroom Management Practices

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    How can we establish a liberating system of classroom management that allows us establish order to be able to manage and maintain the process of students learning while at the same time keeping their self esteem high enough so that they also mature emotionally in a healthy way Taking into consideration the conditions of todays globalized world and the characteristics of the teenagers that arise with it it seems the magical answer lies within an integrated approach which harnesses contributions from all affiliated parties in achieving education that are students teachers administrators other school personnel parents policy makers local community and community at large.Societies and their expectations shaping the future generations may change however a system and a model that are not natural cannot succeed and how can we measure that If it takes a teacher hundred times to practice and absorb a model to be able to naturally model it then most probably it is not natural which is one of the major reasons why we see increasingly burned out teachers around us teachers that are overwhelmed by the unnaturally tense and stressful classroom environments. Thus from another aspect a successful classroom management model should be the one in which both the teachers and students do not have to give up their identities for the sake of reaching the targeted goals of education and professionalism and feel happy
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    Amazon TürkiyeEffective Clasroom Management Practices Satın Al
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