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Vietnam- Asia in Flux, 2008

Kategori: Edebiyat Yazar: Ulaş Başar Gezgin Yayınevi: öz Yapım Ohg & H@vuz Yayınları

Vietnam- Asia in Flux, 2008

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Time has come to tell this: Vietnam is not a war, it is a country. Long time passed after the (pro)American movies and sympathetic documentaries. Vietnam is now known as a country of transition more or less resembling Asia in general. That was why -we were told by Dr. Gezgin who poses both as an academic and a journalist- this book is called as ‘Vietnam & Asia in Flux’. This flow is not auspicious for researchers however: “Since Vietnamese economy is a transition economy, the parameters have changed so frequently that economists studying Vietnamese development experience time lags between their explanation and the practice, most of the time. Preparing economics reports takes time and in the meanwhile the economy changes again, turning some of the proposals in the papers obsolete. Thus Vietnamese economy poses one of Zeno’s paradoxes for the researchers.” Accepting this paradox, this book provides signi ficant insights on social issues of Vietnam. Dr. Gezgin (whose name means ‘traveler’ in his native language) invites you to a journey to Vietnamese and Asian social tmosphere… Dr. Ulaş Başar Gezgin
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    Vietnam- Asia in Flux, 2008PDF6.23 MB İndir

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