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Crisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition)  The Case of the Muslim City

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Jamel Akbar Yayınevi: Insan Publıcatıons

Crisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Is it not time to search for paradigms beyondcapitalism and socialism?The book argues that interactions between the claims of “ownership”, “control” and “use” can elucidate crisis in our environmentsthrough measuring responsibilities. Levels of responsibility created by propeties’ and individuals’ rights developed by societal systems,shape our attitudes and actions in most realms of urban life such as utilization, maintenance, investments, etc. In this edition, furtherarguments were added such as the impossibility of achieving sustainability and justice within socialism or capitalism.In a letter of recommendation to Jamel Akbar, John Habraken, former chairman of the Department of Architecture at MIT stated: “I donot believe in all my years of teaching to have met another student who matched the combination of research skills and the ability fortheoretical constructs that he brought with him to MIT.”Reviews of the first edition“Jamel Akbar has published an important contribution to the urban way of life in Muslim cities, as well as formulating and illustrating aresearch method for the study of architecture and urbanism in other societies and regions around the World.”Professor Roderich Lawrence,Open House International“This is an impressive work. Much has already been written about Islamic culture and urbanism but rarely has any study been asscholarly. …The significance of Akbar’s work lies in a vision of better awareness of the settlement process. In this sense, it is a majorand definitive book.”Professor David Cosling,RIBA JOURNAL
    SatıcıKitap AdıBağlantı
    TrendyolCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    KitapyurduCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    D&RCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    IdefixCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    BKM KitapCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    HepsiburadaCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    Nadir KitapCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    N11Crisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
    Amazon TürkiyeCrisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim City Satın Al
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    Crisis in the Built Environment (Second Edition) The Case of the Muslim CityPDF6.23 MB İndir

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