Fundemental Principles of Metaphysic of Morals

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Immanuel Kant Yayınevi: Karbon Kitaplar

Fundemental Principles of Metaphysic of Morals

Tanıtım Bülteni
What is morally permissible, and what is morally obligatory? These questions form the core of a vast amount of philosophical reasoning. In his Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, Immanuel Kant developed a basis for the answers.Kant's test, known as the Categorical Imperative, is a logical proof of the Golden Rule and the centerpiece of this work. It constitutes his best-known contribution to ethical discussion, and a familiarity with his reasoning in this book is essential to students of philosophy, religion, and history.
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